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Bible Talk Outlines + Sunday Handouts

Bible Talk Outlines + Sunday Handouts

Listening and Speaking to God


Gathering Handout 13/10/2024

Sermon Outline: Prayer John 17.1-5



These running plans outline the basic structure of each service, so you can know what to expect. Like all things, plans can change, and so these are shared with the understanding that they are guidelines only.


LMAP Church Calendar 2024 (Published)

LMAP Preaching Program 2024 (Published)

Southern Cross (Sydney Anglicans Magazine) - Latest edition

Thinking about Baptism or Confirmation?

Have you thought about being baptised or confirmed? Or perhaps you're thinking you'd like to have your child baptised? If so, we'd love to be involved. Click through one of these links, add your details and one of the ministry team will be in touch to talk to you about what's involved.

Emails Not Coming Through?

Have you noticed you're not getting emails from the church office like you used to? If so, we'd like you to let us know! Head over to this form and enter your details, and we'll get to work on fixing up the issues: Check My Email

Lower Mountains Anglican Loan Library

We now have a library for you to access at Glenbrook church office. To view the range of topics and books in our collection, please view the attached catalogue.  Visit the office during opening hours to browse the shelves and record selected items in the LMAP Library Book Loan Logbook. Please return all books to the returns box located near the library shelves.

LMAP Loan Library Catalogue

LMAP Safe Ministry Pack

Thank you

If you are reading this, it means you are one of the valued members in our Church who has an interest in ministry to children, youth and vulnerable persons.

Before we take one step further, may I acknowledge with thanks your willingness to serve the gospel at Lower Mountains Anglican Church.

Much is asked and expected when it comes to caring for children, youth and vulnerable persons, and so I am thankful to God for the way you are willing to serve in mission and ministry with the aim that every time we gather in any form, we will be able to proclaim Christ.


This ‘Ministry Pack’

As you would expect, we want to be a church that operates in both pure and blameless ways. We are held to a high standard by those we serve, and also by our community and our government. What follows in this ‘LMAP E-Ministry Pack’ are all the documents you need to be informed and accredited as a safe-ministry member in our church.

Lower Mountains Anglican Church is committed to the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare and safety of all people, particularly within its own community. We follow our Lord’s lead in doing what we can to care well and appropriately for the children, youth and vulnerable persons in our care:

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”                             (Matt 19:14)

May I ask that you work your way through the items below and follow the instructions which will put in place all the necessary components:

  1. Print the LMAP Ministry Pack Checklist - to check off what you have completed and then return with paperwork.
  2. Read our LMAP 'What do we believe?' document.
    Note: The Checklist makes mention of an LMAP Job Decription for those preparing for specific roles. The Leader of that ministry will provide that job description. Otherwise for non-specific ministry roles, the Job Description is not applicable.
  3. Read the Faithfulness in Service document
  4. Read the relevant Safe Ministry Blueprint Document - either:
  5. Apply for your Working with Children Check (WWCC) - if already in place just mark the number on the checklist to return
  6. Print and complete the new Safe Ministry Check form- either the: 18+ years of age form or the 13-17 years of age form
  7. Complete your Safe Ministry Training - if already in place just mark the number on the checklist to return.
    • Essentials (if over 16) - 4.5hrs online – if first time, expires after 3 years.
    • Junior Leaders Course (if aged 13-16) - 2.5 hrs online – at age 17, the leader needs to do the Essentials course.
    • Refresher - 2.5hrs online – for those who have done Essentials and need to refresh before the 3 year expiry.
  8. Return in a sealed envelope to the LMAP Rector (or his authorised delegate) - the LMAP Checklist, Safe Ministry Check Form, copy of your ID, and copy of Safe Ministry Training certificate if new) - either to the office or by post to PO Box 77, Glenbrook 2773.

All these components need to be in place before you can serve children, youth or vulnerable persons at Lower Mountains Anglican Church.

Thank you in advance for giving this your attention so that we together can serve in gospel ministry.


Ken D Noakes (J.P.)
Lower Mountains Anglican Church
Gathering to Proclaim Christ – serving to seek, connect, grow and send
Mob: 0412 620 588 I Email:

Latest prayer news


Michael and Rani Grivas-Allison

David and Cathie Sandifer (Annabelle and Josiah)


Neville and Kathryn Naden


Anthony and Trudi Elyard

Andrew and Rebecca

Mission Partners

Trainees (past and present)

Safe ministry training is now online!

Safe ministry training is now offered online via the Professional Standards Unit. Information about all courses can be found here

Course content is available for you on any smart device 24 hours a day/7 days a week and should take approximately the same amount of time to complete as would be expected if the same course was offered 'in house', as before. You now have the benefit of being to log in and out of the training as time permits.

There are modules to complete with the final module being a live webinar, the current schedule for which can be viewed when you register.

Once you have completed the training you will receive a certificate of completion. Please forward a copy of this certificate to the church office so we can update our records accordingly.

Please note: If you are experiencing financial difficulty and you need assistance to pay for the online course, please speak with a minister or contact the church office.

To register for either 'Essentials' (for those who have not completed safe ministry training before), or 'Refresher' (for those who are renewing their previous training), please go here

If you prefer to attend training in person, you can see all the upcoming face to face training locations, dates, and times here