Are You Looking To Get Confirmed?

Thank you for enquiring about Confirmation. Confirmation is an opportunity for members of our church to publicly confirm the baptismal promises previously made either by their parents (in the case of their infant baptism) or themselves (in the case of those baptised as adults).

We confirm, to encourage one another in faith, not faith in the 'sacrament', but faith in God's promises to us.  As such, confirmation is only for those who profess an active and living faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and who want to publicly declare that they are intending to live their lives for him and take part in his body (the church).

To prepare you for confirmation, there are five sessions you will need to attend, the aim of which is to ensure that each confirmee understands what he or she is declaring in confirmation. These sessions will cover a range of topics including:  the Gospel, the Christian Faith (and the Trinity), the Commandments, Prayer, Scripture, Baptism and the Lords Supper/Communion. We invite the Bishop, representing the larger Anglican community, to confirm those presenting.

At Lower Mountains Anglican, we only confirm adult members of our church family. Whilst there is no minimum age limit, we suggest confirmation to those who are aged 15 and over.

Address Details

Baptism Information

Questions related to your faith

At the confirmation, the following questions are effectively asked of you. It is important to think carefully about them in preparation.

Tip: You can view the text of the Apostles' Creed here: