Big Day Together Kids Permission Form

This is the permission form for the Big Day Together K-6 Program.

Activites including going offsite to Glenbrook Cinema to view 'The Best Christmas Pageant Ever', as well as games in Glenbrook Park (3-6).



If you have any questions, please contact Rachael Connor -

Parent/Caregiver Details


Privacy Declaration

The Lower Mountains Anglican Parish is exempt from the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) as it is a small business. However, we seek to deal carefully with the personal information we collect and to do so in a manner consistent with your reasonable expectations.

 The personal information in this form will be made available to:

(a) Leaders involved in the running of the activities in which my child participates,

(b) Lower Mountains Anglican Church's Staff, and

(c) medical and emergency services if considered necessary.

Authorisations & Expectations 

  • I give permission for my child to attend this event.
  • I authorise the Leaders, in the event of an emergency, to obtain at my expense any medical, ambulance, rescue or other services that are considered necessary for my child. 
  • I will provide the Leaders with any information relevant to the wellbeing of my child prior to him or her attending this event. This might include supporting documentation (eg: AVO, Family Court Order) if there is anyone who is legally restricted from seeing your child.
  • I give permission for photos/videos of my child taken at this event to be displayed publicly (online and in print) unless I advise the Leaders otherwise.
  • I confirm that the information given in this form is true and correct, and will advise Rachael Connor of any changes to this information.